anything to break the silence

<3! wc:395

The Marino savored the taste of the drink and the feeling of being alone in the vast expanse of the city. Usually he wasn't so fond of solitude, but the constant presence of his family and his pack mates back home was beginning to feel suffocating. What he needed was some alone time to sort through his thoughts, and though he had that here, he was content to simply let his mind go blank. There would be plenty of time for thinking on the way home. For now, all he needed to concern himself with was being able to enjoy his drink in silence.

Though it turned out he wouldn't be getting much of that silence. A voice called out from a short distance away, tearing his attention away from his mindless cloud-gazing. Amber eyes sought out the source of the call, finding a dark-furred figure watching him. The request made him hesitate and he eyed the bottle in his hand while he deliberated. He wasn't all that eager to share, but he'd be damned if he would deny a man a drink out of selfishness. But the other didn't seem patient enough to wait for an answer, waltzing up to him and snatching the bottle away without a word from either of them.

"Che cosa...?" he muttered in surprise, eyes narrowing into a glare and hackles rising. All the good will and friendliness that was typical of the Dreamer suddenly vanished, replaced with a slowly simmering anger. Who the hell did this guy think he was? "Don't think that's yours," Ehno hissed as he reached out to snatch the bottle back. Yet when he leaned forward and his hand wrapped around the glass, he stiffened as he recognized a particular scent on his dark-furred aggressor. This man may have been a stranger, but one of the scents on his pelt was not. The Italian man would be hard pressed to ever forget that scent.

"You know Naniko?" he asked, accented words laced with suspicion. There was no mistaking that this male had been near her recently. Did that mean she had returned from whatever little venture she'd disappeared on that was so damn important that she had to leave her children behind? And who the hell was this guy supposed to be? It took effort to keep back the growl that was building in his throat.


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