And I wouldn't like to know you

Word Count: 547 We forward-dated this to Dec 1.

In Character

Cotl had spent the last month of Fall to get his plants dried out and ready for smoking. This had been the first time he had been doing this process alone, his sisters normally were the ones into the planting and they would normally be the ones who would hang up the plants in his cave and tell him what to to but never really let him do it without their constant supervision like he was a child or something. Either way, he was finally happy that he was able to do it himself, even if he thought constantly about his sisters standing off in the corner watching him like a hawk before he would realize again that they were not in Nova Scotia with him. It was only him, his son, his brother, and his nephew. All the males of the family. He didn't really realize it until now. Cotl shook his head. The mission he was on now would be important, and because the other men in his family were being lazy as shit and not helping him, he was destined to do it himself. He didn't care that he had to do it himself either way though. He was not a lazy person. He couldn't be.

Today had been the day that he would cut up what he could and put it into empty jars for easy transportation. Cotl then thought about how stoned he would be since he had all this weed now and nothing to do with it. He figured that he could trade things for pot since there had been several wolvens around that seemed to be interested in the drug. Cotl would take a jar with him as he had gotten Maschine ready for a ride. He draped bags over the back of the stallion before he would pull himself onto the steed's back. He'd pull out his gas mask from one of the masks and then pack the bowl and take a lighter to it. Inhale, hold, slowly exhale. With this first hit, he had started his adventure to Halifax.

It was about ten bowls or so later that he finally made it to the broken city. Cotl was definitely stoned by now, him twitching and giggling as he rode into the city, wicked grin on stoned face that was covered by the mask most of the time until he needed to actually breathe fully without hindering his breathing patterns. Maschine would continue to walk along the broken streets, the clip-clopping of the hooves being one of those things heard loud through the empty streets. The hooves even echoed.

Sooner or later, Cotl's eyes would catch the sight of an orange wolfman. Cotl cocked his head, finding the form to be familiar. Hum....Where did Cotl know him from? Cotl thought hard about it, removing his mask promptly and squinting his stoned eyes at the orange and white man before he finally got a lightbulb. He twitched his ear, cleared his throat and gave a wicked grin in the direction of the Alpha of Dahlia. Cotl didn't remember the man's rank though. Cotl was too stoned. Hallo! Conor, right? the metalhead asked the other man. I met ya back on April 20th. -NYEH- 'Member mich? the rust metalhead asked the Dahlian Alpha.

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