the waiting game


A ghost in the system, and angel on the stairs.

Tayui chuckled quietly at the young male’s words, glad she had not interrupted his hunt too much. Somehow, these feelings of normalcy made her lust for vengeance subside and remind her of a much simpler time when the world was pleasant and good. It was a reminder of the many good memories that had shaped her early life and she appreciated how her life could return, even if for a short time. Even though it didn’t feel completely real, it made her feel a little more whole again. Her meeting with Alaine had healed her, so it made sense that further connections with other wolves would continue to heal her.

Tayui nodded as Theodore continued his tale, wondering where he had come from. Was he from Bleeding Souls, farther west, or even Quebec? He didn’t have the same accent most wolves from Quebec had, so she suspected he hailed from another place perhaps farther away. Tayui had studied many human maps in an attempt to determine her location and her home. Since she knew the nearby city was once called Halifax, she was able to determine their location was Nova Scotia and that the mountain Shadowed Sun had been established on was in fact part of the Appalachian Mountains.

As he explained his story, she smiled at his sarcasm, wondering who this wolf had been to threaten him with a knife. Curiosity, of course, took over and she had to ask.

“Alone I suppose. I needed to come back here for a bit. But what of that wolf? Who is she, if you don’t mind me asking?” She hoped he didn't think she was trying to evade his question — she wasn't — she just had a question of her own!


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