Red tinted glass

I only just noticed in the first post of this thread, it reads "crystallized due hung...", not "dew". lol.

Temo Wolfe

Seeing the other arrive and hearing their voices dripping with hatred towards Jace and him, Temo decides that discretion is better than valor and there is no quarter here for passerby's. Both Jace and Temo slowly backing away from the lands defenders, keeping himself between them and Jace and whispering to her "Be ready to run", Temo mutters to the others surrounding them,"Our apologies for the trespass" knowing full well that it fell on deaf ears.

Not looking directly into their eyes, he still kept a close watch of them. Focusing on the sudden flurry of activity from one, watching the deliberate and fluid motion, feeling that this is the attack. He signaled Jace to make for the boarder like the wind. If he had looked, Jace, with her nose stretched out in front of her, ears laid back and tail straight out behind, she would look like she was running on top of the grass.

With timing that would surprise him when he would think about it later, Temo planted a hind paw, and pushed off with his front legs, letting her paw connect with his cheek. Letting the kinetic energy transfer from her to him and using it to help him spin around on his hind paw so he could use his muscles for a better push off in a long jump and he hit the ground running after Jace to the safety of the boarder and beyond.

His ears listening for pursuit behind him as he stretched his legs out in mile eating strides as he ran through the grass, his paws seemingly not touching the ground. He crosses the boarder with Jace only a couple of yards ahead of him. They kept running, getting as much distance between them and the lands of wolf hating coyotes. His cheek smarting from the blow, but a bruise is better than a broken skull. As they ran on, Temo begins to wonder if coming here was such a good idea.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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