Final call!
Skoll gave the gray an uncertain glance as he said something he didn't understand, his amber eyes searching the other's face and then seeing his arms as he made gestures with his arms. A moment later, Skoll nodded, shifting Phoenix off of his shoulders. The knot of scar tissue on his gut had been complaining angrily at him to stop, or at least drop the added weight, for several minutes now, and as the terrain got steeper, it was only getting worse. Consenting to the gray's proposal, he helped situate the heavy brown wolf onto the other wolf, and then started up the mountain.

They had gained distance on the fire, and now--though it snarled at their backs and its malevolent glow was harsh on the eyes--they were safe to slow down for a time, though the fire had not stopped, and would not until it had consumed everything within the valley, including the trees which surrounded them now. Sparks swirled in gleeful storms above the main body of the fire, and it was with this last obscene vision that Skoll had turned his back on his old home.

"Skoll," he said, jerking his thumb at his chest, indicating himself. As they marched forward, letting the gray wolf set the pace, he made a slight indication toward the brown wolf on the stranger's shoulders. "Phoenix." Hopefully the gist of all that was obvious. Introductions were good for the future. They were also good for taking their minds off of everything they had just left behind.

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