Into the sea

Sad <333 slow libri agaaain

Old habits died hard, indeed. Ruby remained curious as she quietly devoured his words. It was an easy task for her to long for things she knew nothing of. The grass always seemed greener on the other side of that hideous fence of actual reality. Her stay here had not been meant to develop the way it had, and she knew with relative certainty that she was likely to remain bitter forever. She had sought a strong alliance and a prominent position, but so much had turned wrong. Kesho had spoken of a different Inferni, and it rhymed sweetly with her silly daydreams as a younger girl. ”Maybe,” she breathed, not quite managing to forge better words that could make him understand that she longed as well.

Interest roared within again as he spoke his next words. Yes, was he not a creature of war and destruction, having lived and longed for the old days of a more glorious Inferni? Lips were gently curved with a content smile now as she decided that she indeed approved of the man before her. Crouched down, she let her claws gently dig into the sodden sand, drawing lines similar to those she imagined he once had drawn on wolf flesh. ”I am one of the Hydras of the clan,” she revealed, words soaked with pride. ”Were you a warrior?” She did not necessarily speak of rank alone. Warrior by heart was just as important, and she had noticed that he remained on all fours. If he was experienced and favoured the quadruple form, she could gain much by taking him as her sparring partner.

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