Demi MD [P-for aunt Nani!]
ooc speech

It seemed that the members were slowly settling into their new lives in the caves, and Naniko was no exception to that. She had made a room for herself in one of the caves off to the left of the entrance, an important place. She wanted to be close to the exit should she be needed in the border and hadn't found any hidden escape routes yet, so she was sticking toward the front end of the cave system for now. Her end of it emptied out into a larger more common area.

She exited her part of the caves, yawning. She hadn't been sleeping too well at night and had chosen to take naps throughout the day, patrolling the border in the evening and after the sun had fallen. Perhaps this was how her life would be, with small bits of sleep in the day and her awake hours at night. She could see a few packmembers milling about and working on various projects, and walked toward one that she knew well; Demi.

"What are you doing, girl?" She asked curiously as she neared, her low and gravelly voice echoing slightly in the expanse of the cavern. "I guess I never paid much attention back home, what with Scorpius always needing can read? I learned how to read when I was younger."

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