all the stars and boulevards

Anu knew that this would be an uneasy moment in the lives of her sons, as well as the adults. But she had not known how to make this easier for any of them, or how to prepare them any more then she had for this introduction. If she spoke too much of him they would yearn to be part of his life, and that was merely impossible. Their worlds were separated, distinctly. And if Anu chose to never give them the secret then she would be holding back a truth far bigger then she was and setting her sons up for a devastating reality. So it had been the bits and pieces that spoke of Gabriel and yet defined his role in the world. He was a leader, living in a world that was not close to their lives and his place was not to be their father but an alpha of a clan far far away.

The voice that came forward was not of the doggish male but of her son, a question on his tongue. Her blue eyes turned to meet their matching in Cypress’ gaze, and she gave a comforting smile. But he did not look to her for this reassurance, but to him. Her smile faltered only slightly, and when it returned her looked back to Gabriel, and waited. She was surprise to not see in the corner of her eyes his head hanging low and eyes avoiding the Inferni alpha. He was watching, curious and yet she could feel that he shook ever so slightly at the knees.

The masked boy did not say anything, his pulse so rapid that could almost hear it as he leaned into her. She knew that he would be frightened, as he was meeting most new faces. Part of her wished to ask the more careful and quiet of her offspring to greet her friend, but she would not force him to speak if he did not wish to. She looked to the scarred beast, her smile remaining, Are those of Inferni well? It was proper to be polite, as she always taught them through example. But her greatest hope was that his world’s wars had calmed and it was because of peace that he was able to venture south to seem them and not a desperate need to escape it.

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