Red tinted glass


Jace saw Temo flick his ear several times as he spoke to the aggressive canids. She watched closer and he did it again in a reoccurring patter on three. Part of the signalling they had devised on their long journey together, the meaning clear, run! She glanced up at the not-wolves, suddenly brave. This fight may not be winnable in their current forms but she would defy their anger by escaping with her Temo, not noticing that she had referred to him in her mind as 'Her Temo'.

With the skill and speed of someone who had spent their entire life running, she whipped around upon her paws and set off for the borderline and the land beyond it. She moved as fast as her sled dog ancestry would let her, dirt being kicked up with every stride, shifting slowly as she ran then she pushed her body to the maximum, her Secui form allowing her to move faster with its bigger strides. Her ears picking up the sounds of Temo as he followed and also straining to hear is the not-wolves had decided they were worth chasing.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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