Warrior's Glory

table © Alaine
ooc: Sepirah is pissed.... FIGHT! WC: 382 {3 points}

Sepirah could see the hate and disgust looming in the male’s eyes. She hated to see that especially when she didn’t do anything wrong. She was still a young adult and enjoyed having some fun. If adulthood was going to be so boring and she would turn into someone like Hybrid, then she wanted to stay her current age forever. The dark princess snarled to the male as he jerked his head to her. He was just as rude, if not even ruder than Halo. What was wrong with the warriors of this pack? Neither of them deserved their positions and it would have to come down to her informing her uncle about their behavior. She wouldn’t stop growling though until the male answered her.

When he finally did answer her, Sepirah’s growls only increased. It was the warrior’s duty to train the lower ranks regardless if they wanted to or not. He obviously didn’t seem too busy and he didn’t even care enough about her to train her. Her growls turned to snarls and her fur began to lift up. She was not going to let him get away with this unjustice. The jackal planned to bring this up with Gabriel, but she wanted her own go at him first.

Sepirah noticed him beginning to leave and hissed as she spoke. “I’m plenty mature, you’re just too dull and rude to understand that I was having a little fun.” She paused to let the male sink this in, but she wasn’t done yet. “What the hell is wrong with the warriors of this pack? It’s your duty to teach the newer warriors whether you want to or not. Refusing to do so would be not doing your duty and just makes you a rude ass. I don’t even know why Gabriel let you be a higher level warrior. You’re rude and have no discipline. If I were the leader I’d make sure you learned your place and make sure you stay true to your duties.” The dark princess took the moment to catch her breath before grabbing the leftover carcass. She didn’t want it to rot, so she would have to bury it. The jackal found a nice spot and began to dig a hole for it.

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