i'm going nowhere

indent One might assume that Gabriel would be unable to sleep at night with the weight of what he had done. This was not the case; the burning of Bleeding Souls had been an act of God, and as his hand and his sword, Gabriel did not feel guilt for any action. Many had died, many had suffered, but this was how it was meant to be. He slept in darkness untroubled by dreams, something remarkable for a man who had, as a boy, suffered visions of terrible grandeur.

indent Gabriel, on his side, was woken the moment his son leapt on his chest. Grunting and opening one eye, he pushed his front end up and soon his back legs followed suit. Yawning widely, the doggish male shook the sleep from his head and glowered down at his son. Faolin and Talitha were still asleep nearby, and opting to leave them there, Gabriel half-pushed his son with one paw, four legs moving him outside of their den and onto the dirt area directly outside of its mouth. Tall grass was all around them, broken up only by large rocks that pointed away from the entrance like spears. “What do you want, Ezekiel?”


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