i will not doubt you
Sorry for the wait... And the crap/weird post, lol. I'm
on my phone at work but really wanted to write this. TongueWC: 372

Kesho's energy was nearly completely drained; having shifted, fought with that large beast, and battled for control of his own body, he was understandably exhausted. He allowed himself to drift off to sleep, unconcerned for the condition of his leg, trusting it to heal in time. He slept deeply, the wind-tousled noise of the forest his lullaby.

It never would have occurred to him to seek out help. He had never had the luxury of a medic of any sort in his days. For him, it had always been an every-man-for-himself kind of life. He was surprised, then, when he heard a voice nearby, waking him from a lovely slumber and requesting to dress his wounds.

Slightly annoyed, he opened one red eye to find the source. Quickly appraising the slight frame of the young male, he judged him to be of little threat. The boy appeared to be some sort of jackal hybrid, and Kesho wondered briefly of his relations, noting his odd markings. Every damned canine in Inferni was related, it seemed.

In immediate defiance of the boy's request, he attempted to sit up. Using his good leg, he managed a halfway seated position. It was good enough. Though he might trust the boy enough to cooperate, he would still be wary. Kesho kept his tender leg off the ground, though the cold had significantly numbed it. He swerved his head around to take in the whole of the other male, noting the bag he currently rummaged through with mild interest. "I hardly see it necessary, but if you must..." He responded, voice more rough than usual thanks to the cold.

Normally, he wouldn't want company during a time like this. He usually reveled in the painful silence after a battle, and despite the relief the boy could provide, still secretly longed for that isolation. These were the moments in his life that had sculpted him; alone and wounded, but determined to press on despite the pain.


Staring off as the boy searched for what he needed, Kesho focused solemnly on the searing pains that occasionally shot up his limb, and the constant ache throughout his body. He felt suddenly bitter. Maybe he really was too old for this shit. 

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