Just another lost Soul

Wasn't real particular on where I wanted to go with this but knew I needed to get the thread movin

Blue orbs watched his friend and superiors eyes for a moment before looking back to the girl. Saluce considering replying but he just shook his head in a yes like fashion. Then his eyes went back to Conor’s when his offer came across his eyes. His eyes moved to look at his busted knuckle, the blood had already dried so he wasn’t worried. Saluce had suffered far worse and Conor was a witness to that. Saluce sat silently as the two exchanged words, already he felt out of place. This wasn’t his domain, caring and taking care of people weren’t his strong suits. Need something lifted? Carried, or beaten to a bloody pulp? Yes those where his strong points. But instead of walking out and back home he stayed to watch. If for nothing else but to watch Conor.

For a moment he sensed a brief sense of distaste in his mouth, from their earlier exchange. Saluce had given Conor his loyalty freely and even had submitted to his judgment on the trespasser but now it seemed Conor wanted him to howl out any minor thing for him to respond to? Again it left a bad taste in his mouth; it felt like a brief moment of distrust. With all that swirling around in his head he stood and decided to take his leave. He wouldn’t bother Conor again.

“I’m heading home. “ he said quietly as he walked out, speaking volumes as to where his mind was at the moment.

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