
Maria squirmed in dissatisfaction when he spoke of going home. She had wanted to go home some time ago, when they first arrived, but it was not that easy. Taking care of a child was hard enough and trying to get back did not help. She held his hand tight, pulling it into her lap and stroking against his arm. "Non posso ritornare," she said. She did not refer to it as home as he had. It had been so long and she realized home was wherever her family was. For the past few months, it was wherever Beppe was and now that Giuseppe was here, it was better. But he wanted to leave. What would she do if he left without them? Would Beppe want to go? Her head shook and she bit her lip. She wanted to stay here. It was simple here and the rest of her family, the family that disowned her, was not here. They were away in Italy where they could not harass her. "Possiamo stare qui. Possiamo essere una famiglia ancora. Qui," she pleaded, squeezing his hand. Maybe, when they were older, they could go back. But not now. And she wanted him to stay here. She wanted her lover to be by her side for a long time and she didn't want to feel the abandonment she made him feel so long ago.


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