Frosty mornings

Holy ffffffffff I’m so sorry that I’m so late on this. This week has gone by so slowly yet somehow knocked me off my feet RP-wise D= Definitely not the best song I’ve written, either.

His expression was all she needed to see. Right away she began strumming her guitar; it was mid-tempo tune that neither sounded happy nor sad. When writing it, Pixie had wanted it to conjure up the feeling of old-time storytelling, though she was still learning much about music and wasn’t entirely sure how to make that so. It was one of the first songs she had written, after all. Quickly she cleared her throat and began to sing in her husky voice:

There once was cold and misery,
Snow that was sharp and blistery,
The two travelers buried beneath it all.
The wolf had felt the rain and the burning sun,
The horse had fought fire and even won,
But the toughest battle had only just begun.

The wolf realized she’d run out of food,
She didn’t think it was right to do,
It seemed so crazy, so obscene.
But when hunger drives you insane,
It’s hard to deal with the pain,
She had to let it out somehow, you see.

Later on, late that night,
The horse woke up with a fright
To find a wound scratched onto his skin.
It was behind his ear, so he couldn’t see,
Heck, he couldn’t even read,
Then he saw the wolf’s cloak in the wind.

She was standing over him, bandaging
His fresh cut, while holding
Her own scratched paw onto her chest.
And though he couldn’t see what it said,
There was a word, ‘Magic,’ his name she read,
That now was scarred onto her for life.

And the horse’s cut could also be read,
But it said the wolf’s name, ‘Pixie,’ instead,
Eventually it healed up alright.
After that night, there was a bond,
Between horse and wolf, that was very strong,
That continues to live on, day and night.

As her voice faded off, her strumming slowed down and the song eventually came to a stop. She was quiet for a moment, letting herself and Denali have a moment to think, before shrugging and asking, “What didja think? I’m still working on songwriting, but I’ve never really gotten feedback before…

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