
The coy-wolf did not wonder if the fox worried with the skulls. He had seen the way strangers and outsiders looked at them and accepted it, just as he had accepted the way coyotes looked at him and saw wolf. Without a missed step he continued on, keeping his face ahead and his expression blank. There was no need to react and worry the fox—he was likely far more worried about these savage coyotes than he had been about wolves.

“If you’d like to hunt, there’s probably something suited to your size here,” Gabriel offered. He paused and nodded towards the thin border of the forest to their east. “Should you want avoid wolves, the forest that way is usually sparce. Go south and you’ll run into them. We try and stay as far away as we can, which is why we live in the Waste.” It being autumn, there was hardly much to suggest this was a wasteland. Tall grass the color of straw covered the open field, and the forest was ablaze with color. Rocks jutted out around the edges of this, rising to peaks in several areas. It was an elaborate illusion, to have such stones rearing up like spikes. This was why Gabriel had chosen such a place and not gone to the more fertile southlands.

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