You're not far off Sie. :] DNA is made up of four unique "bases", which are strung together in a huge order to made a genetic code. So yes, we'd probably share similar DNA sequences with some things, but scientists still have no idea why the 1% between humans and apes makes us walk upright and them not. It's a complicated thing!

Monkeys would not survive in the wild this far north. They are not generally acclimated to such cold temperatures--the Japanese Macaque is one of the few species who can do so. I would also imagine that zoo monkeys who would escape would probably die because they wouldn't know how to survive. Same with pet monkeys. You might find a few in the south who had managed to survive, but I doubt they would do so well, considering their diet.

The Central Park Zoo has Japanese Macaques, but because we play as if NYC is still controlled by humans, they would probably have been killed during riots or whatever panned out there.

Realistically, a monkey might also be killed by wolves because they're easy prey. Sure, they can climb trees, but Luperci can too. ^^

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