Nothing's going to touch you in these Golden Years

short :x

Haven wondered if his little brother would refuse to offer of taking up the role of leading their expedition, but much to his content Alder nodded and began to look around to choose which way they would go. Some hesitance seemed to come back to the boy again, but slowly he took steps forward that quickly turned into normal self-confident walking. The Knight couldn't help but grin broadly as he followed right behind the strong built pup, feeling accomplished that he had successfully handed the reins over to Alder. Even though the Aatte hadn't spent as much time with his two other young brothers as he had with Alder, it was clear to him that the large boy was the one who needed the most encouragement and nudges to move forward and grow.

The sunlight seeped in through cracks and holes in the castle's facade and one door was completely washed in light. It didn't surprise him that it was this door that the blue eyed boy gravitated towards. Haven watched silently from the background as Alder sniffed the door and inspected it, but of course he was too small to open the heavy wooden barrier for himself. After a moment, the ochre man stepped forward and put his shoulder against the door, slowly pushing it open as its rusted hinges screamed in protest. Haven only pushed until there was a large enough space for him to pass through, but first he stepped aside to allow his brother through, smiling encouragingly down at him.

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