Alpha Negative
I told myself I wasn't gonna snag this, buuuuuut Smile She could meet Harlowe's mommy!

She hadn't been sleeping well at night, adding to her already irritable mood. The female's hormones were finally back to normal after the birth of her son, Scorpius, but her addiction to cocaine and lack of both it and sleep were beginning to drive her mad. She would find herself tired at the oddest of moments (of course, never at night) and took to catching a nap wherever and whenever she could. Naniko felt safe in Anathema and trusted in her ability to defend it if she needed to. Theodore would also be a big help with that; he was giving her lessons in fighting and had great skill in that field himself. She knew that there had been some reason she'd let him in.

The Angela had been patrolling the border when a tired spell had hit her, and she'd chosen to follow her body's wishes and lay down. She'd marked the border well enough for this day anyway. The un-shifted female lay curled in a tight ball beneath one of the crooked trees that ran along the border to the pack, green eyes closed. With her pelt coloration she blended in well with all of the snow on the ground, making her almost invisible in her slumber. A very deep sleeper, the female didn't wake when footsteps sounded nearby, a loud snore erupting from her muzzle.


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