Chasing Cars
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OOC: Sorry, if it's frivolous, I just thought she needed permission before she lugged a stranger around x.x

She glanced back to the male who she had found watching him a moment seeing that he wasn't giving her an answer, oh well. He seemed a little dim witted to her anyhow, but she would amuse him as there really wasn't anything better for her to do. Her attention went to Jefferson who seemed quite displeased and it made her ears roll back and her head go down. She hadn't met an Aniwaya so the scent was unfamiliar to her senses. Before she could answer the male beside her stuttered out. Once he was finished speaking her attention again went to Jefferson, "I didn't know if I needed permission before allowing him further into the land. As he mentioned he wishes to have a tour of the land. I felt I should play it safe and call for you...I didn't know it was troublesome. Sorry.." She was working on her confidence amongst Jefferson, it was hard for her, but with practice she hoped she cold be more bold and less skittish. Still her body was hunkered down some, not nearly as bad as usual. This time it was only her head that was down and not her whole body. Definitely an improvement for the nervous, and shy female.


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