a little bit funny
WC:157 ;-;

The puppy continued trying to follow in Saul's foot steps. He was sure to let out a dramatic noise each time his uncle stepped down, compacting the snow and making a clear cut print, along with a sweet "Crunch!" sound. He became confused quickly as the Stormbringer fancied up his footwork, his clumsy feet briskly forgetting to follow in the impressions. "As if it wasn't difficult enough to follow in two leggys foot prints already..!"

He had to admit the game was more fun when the other player was actually aware they were apart of it. Range's interesting sound affects turned into 'teehees' and giggling. "You won, uncle!" He managed between giggles, trotting a little bit faster to catch up to him. "Wheres we ganna go now?" He added casually. Of course he was trying to insert the fact that he was coming along, turning to look up at the adult and give him an innocent smile.



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