i will not doubt you
Wheee~ <3! WC: 326.

As the young jackal began his work, he spoke something of a retort to Kesho. Was it not clear that he didn't mind being a scarred beast? Maybe it was better, though, to dress it. He'd remembered letting wounds go uncared for for days in the past, and they had become nasty and infected. It had always cleared up, to his luck, but it was true he might not have such luck in the future. Still, he protested inwardly. "I think I can survive," he muttered.

The force to survive alone was still strong in him, and even though this man meant no harm-- and was really just trying to help--, it still upset him slightly to be seeking such high assistance from someone. Especially a youngster like this one. The older coyote watched carefully through red eyes as the boy retrieved what he'd been searching for; a jar whose contents were as vague as the boy himself.

It hurt a fair bit, of course, but the man refused to express it. His war-torn body had seen worse, and was likely bound to experience even more. Kesho kept his resolve, and didn't give evidence of a flinch as the boy administered the...well, whatever it was. "What is that you're putting on it?" He wondered aloud, not bothering to catch his thoughts in his mind. Though never curious about medicine of his own accord, now that it was being used on him he thought it worthy to question. What sort of plant matter-- if that was the origin-- would require being chewed before applying? And what medicinal properties did it carry at all?

He'd been learning much since his return. It had all changed, of course, and he was adapting to this greater abundance of human knowledge and resources. Of course it was of benefit now, but he had no desire to meet the same demise that they had. Clearly, tinkering with life could be dangerous.

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