you can tell everybody
ooc;; awww i lurve rping with you too jamesy! ^^

Green eyes watched as some sort of internal battle took place in the female in front of him. He wasnt sure what had made her so wary of stranger, wary of Dahlians in his eyes. He had always thought they were okay with their southern neighbors but her wariness made him second guess his assumptions. He had heard of their wars with Inferni, but he didnt exactly know the ins and outs of who had supported whom in those battles. Perhaps Phoenix Valley had not sided with Dahlia. But that didnt matter to him now as she was speaking and she seemed to be yielding to him. He wouldnt be here if he didnt need her help- if he could only calm down and shift so he could heal himself this would be much easier to deal with. But he couldnt and she was the only other person around that might be able to help him. She allowed him to come with him and for that he was grateful.

"Thank you..."

He breathed, getting to his feet and holding his right paw high so he wouldnt be tempted to step on it. He hopped over to the young female and smiled softly up at her. She seemed nice enough even if her manner was brusque and blunt. She asked him if he could walk on it and he shook his head softly whilst still holding his paw up. It had stopped bleeding too badly and only a few drops settled where he had stopped to wait for her to lead the way. But they were off again and she was speaking. She seemed a chatty one, which usually would have appealed to Saul's better nature. But right now he wasnt feeling so chatty and although it wasnt annoying that she was he didnt feel quite right about letting her do all the talking. So when she offered her name he smile up at her.

"Its nice to meet you Addison."

He murmered softly, not thinking what to say in return to her comment on her father being alpha of this pack. So he walked alongside her instead, hopping and limping. He didnt know how long they'd been walking when she spoke again, asking him what he was doing out here anyway. He didnt know what he was doing here. He'd had a freak out at the beach and ended up running away- which usually helped clear his mind. But it hadnt and he'd kept on running to see if it would help. And when it hadnt he didnt know what to do and by that time he had been all the way out here and his paw was hurting. It had taken the small pebble just moments to lodge itself in his paw and split it. That was what he was doing out here.

"Well uhmm... I was at home, at the beach. And I saw a rabbit impaled on a spike. And I freaked out about it and ran... it usually helps to clear my mind. But by the time I got out here it still wasnt clear and then i split my paw... So really, I dont know what Im doing out here."

It was the most he'd spoken for far and he sounded very quite and nervous as he said it. That wasnt very characteristic for him but he didnt care right now. His paw was hurting and she was going to help him, right?

word count;; 578



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