Asleep in the City [P]

[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

Okay! We’ll mention Colibri’s name after Mew agrees to join then.

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

Cercelee shook her head in silent agreement. No, certainly Mew could not return to Clouded Tears. No one could, not for a long while at least. Life could not be supported in it’s current condition, no vegetation meant no prey animals, and also no shade, less shelter. Clouded Tears was nothing more than a wasteland now, the landscape painted in black, browns and greys. Yet, Cercelee knew that after enough years passed, life would return there. The vegetation would grow back, twice as thick, spurred on by the fertile soil of the old trees, shrubs, grasses and probably a fair number of inhabitants. Even though life and beauty would eventually return, would they ever? Surely some of the members who had fled longed for their home, but these lands too would become a home for many of them. Would there come a time when packs again split, those returning to the past and those that chose to stay here?

Blinking away the thought, Cercelee looked back at Mew. What did it matter if in five or ten years the packs broke up again? Would Cer even be there to witness it? What mattered now was, well, now. At present they had to assemble, and assemble quick, or else stay lone wolves and see how that suited them. Cercelee didn’t think it’d suit her at all, she had been lone too long for her liking. And so she had had every intention of asking the female before her to join, yet the words had not passed her lips yet. Perhaps she wanted to be sure of the other’s answer beforehand, too much was riding on obtaining more bodies, or perhaps she just feared the other saying “no, thanks, I’ll be moving along now.” Rejection, no matter what kind of rejection, always made Cer’s stomach churn.

Plenty of opportunity to settle down. Indeed. Although not the rich forests she was use to, this place did support life. There were forest coming up quick onto the towns and deer would occasionally even wander into a building on accident, there was a rich field brimming full of rabbits with long ears and thumping feet. Cercelee had even found a little spring inside the town, perhaps where the humans had gotten water, and there were small creeks and streams just outside the border of the human’s town as well. They would not lack for anything here, if they could claim it. Tis ture. We won’t go hungry here, and we’ll be safe from the weather at least. Cercelee gave a look to the buildings, not knowing Mew had the same idea. Yes, some of the smaller, sturdier houses could make nice shelter indeed. Cercelee returned the other’s smile. You know, why don’t you stay? If you haven’t anywhere else to go. I know my companions would like to have another one of us. Cercelee didn’t really know if all the others would welcome Mew with open arms, but she had a pretty good idea that she wasn’t lying. After all, they had all found each other by chance, loners all of them, and Mew fit right it. Didn’t she?


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