Recycled Air

I am so sorry this took so long! Too many assignments + injury I'm still recovering from.. oy. My deepest apologies!

Wc: 532

Leaving her three newest puppies, even for a brief time, and even in the paws of her ever-capable mate, still proved nerve-wracking for the mother. It seemed every day that the trio were growing in size and personality, the true colours of their eyes beginning to peek through. Even though the fae had been through the process before, having two grown-up children to show for it, it was still a wonder for the timber-hued fae to watch the three little lives expand in every direction, as malleable as clay.

But a walk, no matter in what form or direction, always calmed the lady, and so she took to her Secui form to roam the territory, her limp less pronounced with the more legs she wore. Snow was beginning to break from the dark-faced sky above her, but the mother didn't mind much - she enjoyed the cold, and always enjoyed being active. As wonderful as nursing and caring for her children was, Ghita was a nomad at heart, even confined to her pack's lands, and so would always remain called to the wild, the wanderlust stirring in her bones.

It wasn't until she was beginning to approach the pack's boundaries that her ears picked up on a sound and a scent unfamiliar to the Tribune. Her tents erect, her blood began to chill as her son's name painted the wind, a contraction forming around her heart. There was no concrete reason for her to worry, as Aro's scent wasn't in the area, giving him an alibi away from here, but for a stranger to be calling for her son stirred the protective gene inside of her, Ghita near certain that she would find the stranger calling for her son at the end of the scent.

Taking off at a steady trot that quickly morphed into a jog, her lean muscles stretched and contracted as the mother grew closer to her target, only a few miles left between them. It was at this time that the scent of Dahlia de Mai prickled her nostrils, and something about the particular scent of this member tickled her memory, but nothing concrete arose to her mind at present time. Now in eyesight of the fae, her turquoise orbs took in the patched pelt of ebony and ivory, the woman startled by the beautiful eyes she held. All the same, she couldn't allow herself to be distracted by appearances - even though this girl was calling for her son, she was still close to invading her pack's territory, and would be treated as an intruder if the need arose.

Crossing the last few steps, Ghita straightened her body, the back part of her pelt prickling as it stood on end, her tail raised slightly in a show of dominance. Turquoise eyes meeting the girl's without fear, Ghita's Italian accent broke the silence of the snowy day around them, holding authority in every fiber of her being. "What business do you have with Crimson Dreams here, and particularly my son?" She had never been one for formalities or beating around the bush, and so launched straight into the heart of the matter, ebony lips a quiver away from revealing her pearly teeth.

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