there's only one life I know

This is nice, since I don't know much about Khalifism it's neat for me ooc as well (not wanting to read much on it until after this thread though

Even though she could feel his resentment toward her, he had showed great restraint so far and she quietly admired it. Maybe he had learned a bit of patience while he walked this earth. Demi however wasn’t as patient, but she didn’t have to wait long for the male to come near her. Eyes looked at the marks on his arms with interest, written in a language she couldn’t read. That itself annoyed her, she’d have to find out what those scars meant. Always thirsty for knowledge, and seeking to know everything.

Her head inclined to the side in a curious manner as he spoke, soaking up what little he offered to her. Three families, three gods, she could take a guess that the three families worshipped their corresponding god. His eyes where odd as he clutched that amulet around his neck before his next words where offered. The petite little ears stood up on her head at this remark.

“The Silver Lady?” she asked quietly, not wanting to interrupt him as much as possible. Demi could really be respectful if she wanted to, but was much more fun not to be. She turned to face him with a curious look on her face

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