alone this holiday isn't an option
Tamerlane stretched the muscles of his back over the rough bark of the tree on which he was leaning, and yawned fiercely into the sky, his dagger white teeth glinting in the sunlight. He had fallen asleep here, sitting against the bark of this tree, for the last four hours. Despite this sleep being during the day, it was all he had had for twenty four hours – and it was all he felt he needed. The tall Luperci dipped his hand into the freezing cold stream and lapped down a few mouthfuls of sweet autumn water, before getting spryly to his feel and feeling refreshed. Before he had a chance to even begin to use up the rest of the day – no doubt with travelling, perhaps to the deep south of Bleeding Souls this time – a summoning call sliced through the air.

He approached leisurely, and the first he saw there was Storm’s Alpha drawing back from a swift embrace with Pilot Haddon (the male Tamerlane had met a few days ago). Tamerlane touched his hand to his own rugged chest briefly and dipped his head to the Alpha. Afternoon Phoenix; Pilot. What’s the occasion?

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