Tell me a Story
3+ sorry for the wait

The wolf's mind was starting to wander to warmer days. The gentle thought of summer days creeping back to her skull. Just imagining this place in the summer made her body feel cold. From her docked stub she called a tail to the tip of her nose her body was suddenly very aware of the blanket now covering the ground. The female mentally sighed, this was reality, and to see such things would take time. The world would bring the sun back, the fireflies and the flowers. Soon enough, but patient minds see the sun sooner.

Tala turner her head to the side softly as the white female changed her direction following her suggestion. She assumed that was a peaceful acceptance of her proposal, and not one of being bitter. After all, Xeris didn't seem the type to get upset over such small things. Tala just followed with almost slightly exaggerated and high steps to try and avoid dragging snow under her paws. Once they met the water Tala looked around as a smile crept onto her maw. The sound of the frigid waves crashing to the sand beneath it was so.... relaxing to the dappled female. It reminded her of when she was barely a pup. Her father had taken her to the beach before he died. It was barely a memory, but it was still just that, a memory. "I have seen an ocean before, but yes.... I bet it is." The shapely view of the building on the horizon made Tala blink softly, the building was large, though even from here it seemed extravagant. Though, it looked like getting there could be quite a hassle, if the sea was in a fit that day.The air smelt of salt, though the air was polluted with frozen water, the melting liquid on her heated nose was almost irritating at times.

Tala looked from the dancing ocean over to her pack mate, the look on her face was subtle, though genuine in thought. "Thank you, for showing me around. It's very kind of you." Spending time with another wolf, who was on friendly terms with her like this, it was something she needed. Socializing and friends. So far, she was liking the process of acquiring both.


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