Dwindle and Fade

He wiggled around in the grass for a moment as he asked her about the boringness (not a word) of her sitting. Why wasn't she spending time with her horse? He seemed like he would make a good friend, like Niro's birds. Ever's smile made his tail wiggle around more than it already had been. She nodded, looking at the palomino creature before looking back to him. "Would you like to go see him, Kam?" Then we can go play if you would like. You're right, it is boring just sitting." She stood as she spoke and his ears flattened before he bounced up an a dance of excitement. "I can go sees it?! Does it gots a name? Niro's birdie gots a name, issa named Marahute 'n she's a nice birdie." His words shot out in rapid-fire form as he scampered around her legs. Though he was excited, he balked as he went to approach the equine figure, hesitating and running to hide behind Ever's legs. "Is he a nice horsie?" His nose wrinkled up as he spoke, ears flattening against his skull.

His tail dropped between his legs as he looked towards it, surprised my the massive size in comparison to his own body.


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