Traditional trades.

ooc: sorry for the delay!

Skye listened as Liliana described the care and keeping of horses. The horse nodded and tossed his head while she spoke, giving the speech an animated feel. Skye learned that it was important to give a horse variety in his foods; not just one type, but many. She made a note of that, and reminded herself to go back to the apple orchard and pick some apples to feed the horse with. She didn't want to give him malnourishment, and she wanted him to be as healthy and happy as could be.

She also learned that they needed to be groomed - no surprise there; the horse was very hairy. They also had hooves that needed to be cleaned out, which Skye hadn't known. She also didn't know what a 'tack' was, so she had thought she'd learn bareback anyway. She nodded as Liliana described all these things with ease, and made mental notes. She wouldn't forget these important points of her horse training.

"I have no questions," Skye said. "Thank you very much for this horse! He's so beautiful. And once a week will be perfect," she said. She was so happy - she'd have a horse! This would make traveling much easier, and having a constant companion would be good for Skye.

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