i will not doubt you

slight delay, sorry :]

Saliva had natural healing properties. Licking wounds had proved that well enough. He was also without a salve handy, though Enkiel did not take the time to prepare such things and carry them. In time he hoped to have a stock prepared, but with winter fast approaching, he would need to make do. The things he had gathered were enough; so he hoped.

Even with the older coyote fighting him, Enkiel did not release the paw and made certain he finished his work. Angry patients did not bother him. He expected such things. Adrenaline made people into lunatics. He did not let his displeasure with this fact show—as reptilian as ever he remained still, dark eyes focused with a single minded intensity to complete the work at hand. “I don’t know how soon the snow will come,” he said flatly, as he truly did not. “, but that can come off in a few days. The wound should close by then.”

The coyote sat back and Enkiel finally released his paw. He eyed the other wounds, but was distracted by the male’s voice. His eyes rose to a shade of red much lighter than his own. “Enkiel Lykoi.” A pause, but only for a moment: “How badly are you hurting?”

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