Rembering the past...


The store was bigger than it appeared from the outside. Orin warned her about the small accident that she had with one those small stinky creatures...well it couldn't be so bad.

And it wasn't bad at all. A small scent lingered in the air, it was unconfortable but bearable. She remembered about the time when had crossed paths with a skunk. Luckly she managed to don't get sprayed by it...but she could smell the little mammal and it was...not pleasant. But Orin looked a bit unsure about how would she react "No problem, it doesn't smell a lot." she said to cheer Orin up.

"Well hummm, i have to know the letters first; i'm fear that i'm THAT ignorant, hehe" She scratched the back of her neck "But I'll do my best to improve! i promise!" Sankara assured. After all, learn fast had been an essential part of her short life.

She walked further and found a spot where to sit. Suddenly she realized something...she still didn't know where to keep her drawing...and she was sure than there would be more coming. "Hummm, but may i ask...i don't have a safe place where to keep this" She pointed the piece of paper in her hand "And i was wondering if you could keep it here, at least for a while...please?"

Suddenly she had an idea "Perhaps i could teach you one or two things about drawing in exchange, what about that?" She almost squealed. This looked like a good idea for the younger wolf. She realized that she had overreacted bit by the way she almost squealed the words out. But if Orin accepted then that would mean that they were friends in some way right?...Right?

She looked at her surroundings again. The place was confortable, despite the scent that lingered in the air. Then she looked at Orin again. So, what do you think?

OOC: Finally i update...hehe. School's finally over, so i'll be able to post faster. Sorry for the inconvenience X3


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