There's dog crap on my shoe! >:[

+3 OOC: my post does not do yours justice Sad Oh and he is in Optime form <3

Niro rarely ventured out of his packlands, though lately when he did, he seemed to have interesting adventures. Today he didn’t know where he was headed, though where he ended up was not what he expected. The city he was now padding through was something of a curiousity as he limped through the dead city, his eyes scanned the enormous buildings. This was nothing new as he’d visited Maimi, the only difference was… it was colder… and a lot quieter… back in florida wolves were everywhere, and food was so scarce that they started eating whatever they could get, Niro shuddered at the thought and moved on. The quiet was so overpowering though but any sound was like a loud echoing speaker that said, “hey I’m here and I want you to come get me!” so he made no noise at all as he moved through the city limits. Marahute, who accompanied him as usual even thought it was an eerie place. She sat perched on his shoulder shifting her wings in discomfort. Niro was about to turn around and just go home, that he had no reason to be here.

He saw a flash of white before it disappeared, and he looked around, thinking it was his imagination. He decided to go after it; whatever it was must have gone into a building… Niro thought he’d explore it, his guard was already up, and he was being as quiet as he could. He was about to give up thinking it really was his imagination again when he saw something moving inside one of the buildings… he looked in and it was another wolf, his ears perked up and forgetting he was not in his own packlands he cleared his throat.

Hello I didn’t expect anyone else to be around here.

His voice seemed to boom through the empty streets, even though it had been a quiet meeting and he even scared himself. It made Marahuted flap her wings defensively as though there was something behind them, but her comfort that Niro could easily curve any harm from her was strong and she settled again. He had not seen how timid the fem was either, so once he was done he soon found his mistake…

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