Hold On Tight

OOC Scary Saul is scary! ^_^ 500+

For a moment Scorpius lost track of Melee and was not really concerned about it. All he was interested in was quenching his parched palette. The ice made a great racket as it grinded between his molars and in his distraction he failed to notice Saul’s approach until the fellow was just about on top of him. His eyes bugged and his jaw dropped with surprise, watery ice dripping from his muzzle for a moment until he remembered to swallow it. He did not even bother to lap his pink tongue to clean up around his mouth, astonished as he was over Saul’s appearance. And suddenly the realization of just what he had done set in.

Though Scorpius was a bold little pup, this had finally become too much. He was barely old enough to survive on meat scraps instead of his mother’s milk, and now he was out of the den and had no clue which way home was. To top it off, he was now being confronted by a rather large male. To Scorpius, the gray individual might as well have been six years old and ten feet tall and speaking in tongues!

His ears laid back and his usually pert tail drooped, though surprisingly the cub did not tuck tail completely. This was it, this was the end of Scorpius’ short little life! He would be chomped by those… huge… saber… fangs!! And his mother was nowhere around because he had been bored and run off while she was caring for the pack. His head dipped as he watched Saul punch a hole in the ice, presumably to stash his body in and cover up the evidence of the kill, and he was about to let out a feral whine when something bumped into his side as Melee materialized next to him. He started, jerking his gaze to her.

“Melee, no, run!” he yelped, somehow finding his voice and his paws all at once. He spun around and nipped at her sides in a very wolfish ‘hurry up!’ but as he started to run past her, she said something. Dumbfounded, he stopped and turned to her, the earthen hued pup now between himself and Saul. “What? Melee, what are you doing?!”

But just as he asked the words Melee spoke to Saul managed to register. It was just enough time for Scorpius to pause and assess the situation. He peered around from behind Melee and glanced back and forth between the two. “He is your… uncle?”

The trickle down was a little slow, but as the haze of his fear vaporized, the next thing the girl said also clicked. He gave an indignant snort and trotted up next to her side, suddenly all courage and pride again. “Excuse me? I did not get lost, thank you very much. I was just… making sure you got home safe. You know, didn’t run into any more rivers or butterflies or anything.” He made a show of rolling his ruby eyes, then let them fall on Saul, and for a split second he felt one last pang of fright at the thought of the size of the man’s teeth. Scorpius did not even realize that Saul was not quite an adult yet himself.

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