dig a tunnel
We still planning on him injuring himself?

The little goddess only saw red as the pain in her hand shot through her, and her mind centered on the laughter and the tone of his voice. Did he still think that he had conquered anything? Such a brute. No he’d get his, Demi wouldn’t forget this nor would she let him go unpunished. Her features calmed as he continued his useless rambling, his rather arrogant bravado that seemed to irritate her further. Eyes centered on him seething with hatred.

“I was sleeping, you know like our kind does from time to time? If you’re going to go around making all kinds of terrible noise through-out the day warn someone” She was trying to remain calm but her mind was already working on deceitful, terrible things to do to this man to put him in his place. He’d fear her when it was all said and done, and he’d respect her for her position. Maybe it was her mistake after all but that hardly mattered one tiny bit.

“Oh and one more thing…” she canted out with a smirk “Watch what you eat” was all she would say to imprint that idea into his tiny little male brain. Let him think that one over for awhile. She wouldn’t hesitate to dose him, not enough to kill but enough to make him want to die. He’d pay for this and pay highly. With that she turned around and started walking back the way she came. If he wanted to play little coal miner then he could. She would just find another place to call her home and sleep there in peace.

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