Tales of old

OOC: If this post is unsatisfactory in the way it may not open up on anything let me know I’ll try to change it ^^ .

Liliana had her eyes closed remembering times of the past so she didn’t hear Nayati come up, but his presense was soon felt as he sat next to her and spoke. She stopped humming abruptly and opened her eyes, startled, but his voice was a soothing calm one, she looked over to Nayati and gave him a sad smile.

It’s just been a hard day, one of the horses’ is acting up.

Liliana said quietly feeling even more secure as Nayati put an arm around her… She didn’t know why the horse bugged her so, maybe it was because she’d had such good luck with the rest of them… even the stubborn ponies that Theo had brought with him listened to her. She leaned on Nayati feeling both the warmth from him, and the fire. She was beginning to understand the traditions and ideas of the pack, and she was forming her own way into it, though it was hard, she did find herself confronting the fire more and more lately though it was not with just problems, it was with happy things too, so she felt a sort of connection with the great fire that she hadn’t months before.

But I’m fine now.

She smiled up at him… she didn’t know she’d been humming so loud, she didn’t think she had a beautiful voice… or hum… but she knew she was not bad either, but she was glad it was Nayati that heard her and not someone else.

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