Hold On Tight
ooc;; awww scorpy is so cute!!

Cold water, for the second time that day, doused his paw and he stepped back to admire his work. It was no way near enough for the little guy to fall in, even if he managed to somehow do this. It was large enough for them both to drink out of and Saul took this opportunity to lower his head and lap at the freezing liquid beneath the ice. It was cooling and refreshing, but it hit his gut with an iron fist. A grun was exuded as he turned back to the black male and noticed for the first time the frozen manner with which the pup had stopped. The expression on the guys face was something Saul thought he would never see on anyone's face when presented with someone such as himself- Saul was nothing scary or anything. A confused look crossed his face as he slowly approached the male again, moving cautiously so as not to startle him.

"I wont hurt you little guy- I was just curious as to why you were here on your own..."

Words were both soft and cautious as he steps had been. Saul was now even more grateful he had stayed in his lupus form- the black puppy probably would have defecated on the snowy ground had he been presented with that. However, Saul didnt have long to hear if the black pup was going to say anything back. His niece ambled out from a bush looking pleased but a little cold. Green eyes glanced down at her damaged paw but he had learned the hard way that Melee hated having attention drawn to her disability. She hobbled a bit when she walked but otherwise she was fine. As she reached him and greeted him with a simple 'hey' Saul reached down to wrap a paw round the small puppies frame, noting the chill in her skin. He would warm her up soon. Attention was tugged at the scared voice of the black pup as he told Melee to run. However, his niece's title to him had alerted the black pup to the fact that he was family.

"Did you pick this one up Melee?"

He asked with a crooked grin and a soft lick to his neices head. Despite the fact that he wasn't masses older than her he was still mature and grown up enough to see that his niece was cold. But he didnt fancy shifting in this current situation so instead he watched as she remained at her new friends side, a worried look on her face. She introduced him as Scorpius and Saul smiled softly down at her. She was right to bring a lost puppy home, even if none of them knew how to return him. Despite the fact that Scorpius was now safe, he seemed to have a certain amount of pride in himself that came out when Melee had told him that he had been lost. Ears folded back just slightly at the little guys indignant tone and Saul felt a certain protectiveness over his niece that made him want to make the pup apologise. But he also realised that Melee was growing and needed these experiances without her uncle going ape shit at any guy who got a bit rude to her. Green eyes caught ruby at the male looked up at him.

"That was very kind of you Scorpius, to escort my niece home. Very gentlemanly of you. Have you two been out all night?"

He asked, a slight touch of concern marring his words. Surely his mother would be terrified by now. However, Saul could not simply whisk the little guy away to the borders and fob him off as someone elses problem- the Stormbringer was not like that. A smile graced his lips easily as he waited for an answer from either his niece or the dark boy, wondering where on earth they had been when they'd met each other.

word count;;



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