lol, we pretty much just freestyle these sorts of situations by guesstimating the realism based on each of characters or else just plot them in whatever direction we want. For Laruku, since he's not very weighty, I don't think he would have a very good chance of bringing down a doe, even with help. So a lot depends on Umbra, or luck. But basically, whatever you want to happen, can happen! We're more about plot and and interesting story than rigid numbers and real chance. ^^ I'm cool with whatever, so yeah!

If they waited long enough, chances that a fawn would stray just a little two far would increase. Personally, Laruku could have waited all day by himself, but he wasn't about impose the patience onto the other, and besides, personally, he would have just gone after a rabbit. No point in trying too hard when the results were all the same in the end, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try here and now. Someone else was depending on him and somewhere in his deranged head, he still carried that dying sense of responsibility and duty that said he had to be dependable. At this point, by the same token, it would be rather pointless to slack off and get injured for being stupid.

He nodded simply and started slinking off to the left. Most strategies were the same. With two, what could they do but approach from two different directions and hope that they could cut the animal off? His tawny coat blended well with the trees and dirt and the slight breeze calmed to dead air -- still in their favor. It was an average sized doe, not too big and not too small. What were the chances?


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