Yearbook 2010 - Superlative Nominations
Worst Enemies (couple): Gabriel de le Poer and Haku Soul
Cutest Friendship (couple): Melee Soul and Scorpius D'Angelo
Least Likely Friends (couple):
Weirdest Couple (couple): Sepirah Lykoi and Caillen Winters
Most Dramatic Death: Noir Aston
Most Prudish:
Most Honest:
Most Annoying: Halo Lykoi
Most Innocent: Sanuye Otsana
Sweetest Puppy: Gideon Stormbringer {if he still counts as a pup}
Puppy Most Likely to Grow Up to Kill You: Scorpius D'Angelo
Least Likely to Survive Another Year: Noss
Most Likely to Live Forever: Kaena Lykoi
Most Likely to Take Over the World: Larkspur D'Angelo
Most Likely to Go Insane:
Most Likely to be Reincarnated as a Cat: Element {Aren't I clever XD}

All update more when I look through some more characters XD

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