there's only one life I know

tis okay mel!

If anything made her thirsty for more knowledge it was playing to her vanity. And vain was a word the young goddess could be describe as at time. She could read his small smile and the way he worded his reply, but a small part of her was intrigued at least. A small smile was offered up to the big male, if she hadn’t smelt the scent of a female on him already she would have filled him away as a possible fun romp with but again his demeanor hinted that he had more morals about that sort of thing then she.

“Oh really?” she asked, still not hooked entirely, the hook was in her mouth yes but the barb hadn’t dug into flesh yet. He’d have to set it. “I take it there are Two other Deities as well? Which one do you follow Larkspur?”

They were all questions she was interesting in knowing, somehow she wondered why she even cared at all, she never had paid much attention to religion before. Considering herself a pupil of science, a pupil of Stephen Hawkings, she had come across several of his books and had found the content interesting. Without proper schooling though she hadn’t been able to pick much up but the concepts where amazing. So here she was though, wondering about this secret knowledge the male kept close to his chest.

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