Achieving Abilities
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Slight/indirect powerplay that Liliana follows him the few yards over to the Town Hall. Let me know if you need it changed :3

Liliana was clever; Dawali had always suspected that, however shy she appeared. But she warmed to him, ever so slowly, and for this Dawali was glad. He did wand the closest possible relationship to his tribesmembers. "You're right; I hadn't thought of that. They might have stronger defenses towards plants than we do." He was impressed; it usually took a medic's mind to think like that. No doubt, Liliana was the right kind to leave in charge of the animals' care. "Perhaps some of these will have no effect, but I think that salves and poultices should still work, since they work with the skin. Whatever you try, though, I think it might be better to choose one of the older horses." The loss of an old stallion was not as grave as the loss of a young mare.

He smiled, and very nearly touched his palm to his forehead. Oh, he went on about salves and poultices, when naturally Liliana would not have the knowledge to prepare it. He was too used to speaking with Cambria, who had been training with him for a long time now. "Of course!" His hand went to his pouch of herbs and he hesitated for a moment; herbs were, of course, not enough to make a poultice right there and then. But there were small storages in the Great Hall. Moving his hand to signal they move, he continued to begin his explanation as they walked towards the building. "There are two kinds; one like a porridge, and one a bit dryer. You need to use breads or seeds to make a porridge-like substance by boiling. Different ingredients will give you different types, and you can add herbs into the mix, of course." The poultice itself, even without herbs, would often help soothe aches and bone pains, as well as head aches if it came from the neck. Wounds could be drained with a drier poultice. They reached the shelf where Dawali stored grains, and he opened the pouch of pumpkin seeds, and one of a different type of grain they had not yet sowed here. "Many of the ingredients here are suitable for making poultices," he said, indicating with his hands first to he whole shelf, but then emphasized the pumpkin seeds. They were superb for treating leaking wounds. "A wetter solution can soothe aches and increase warmth and blood reach, and a drier one can for example help pull out the harmful elements of a wound, if it leaks or is old and won't stop bleeding." Poultices were among his favourite means to help someone.


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