tsidanalu adasehedi
Big Grin

Nayati's voice was not strained, and so Dawali did not stress his journey to find him. He had taken the time to pack his things away properly before trotting along; he could tell that Nayati wouldn't have been far, from the strength of the sound. Still, as he traveled along these paths, he wondered what it could be. Rarely did Nayati call for him; they bumped into each other every so often and conversed then, sometimes one would seek out the other for some task or a chat. When called for, though, it meant that there was something specific to be discussed, and while Dawali had no worries in relation to this, he sure was curious. A brief thought flew past him; Nayati had appeared with Liliana at the ceremony. It was the first, and he was glad, but it could mean nothing. Could it? It was Nayati after all.

His long legs carried him quickly, and it didn't take long until he could follow Nayati's scent towards Adagio Creek. The calm sighs of the slow-moving river in this place was one of his favourite sites, and it was also one of his favourite fishing spots. Had he only brought his net! But fishing and talking at the same time could be difficult, unless one used one of those fishing poles that Ember liked. The pale male quickly came into view, and Dawali slowed to a walk and raised his hand up high, greeting Nayati more like a friend than as his Chief. He usually did this when it was just the two of them; they were friends long before he had become Chief, after all. "Hello, Master," he said, nodding sharply to the mark on his friend's chest and beaming with playful pride. "You need me for something?"


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