[M] this is a gift [p]

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Jenny/Kiri; Sorry, it's been unusually cold where I am at (enough to actually get snow) and I'm anemic so I can't keep body heat so I've been freezing lately and unable to feel my fingers and toes; 517 words

Ouija had never been one for fighting but only for the pursuit of pleasure. At times pain came with the pleasure. It seemed such would be the case this time. In his mind it was all some perverse game. Just as he has done for others before he was playing the role of the villain. "I know nothing of this human of which you speak." He hadn't had any teachings of humanity. He was blessed with the gift of Gods. He was given the ability to change forms just as the Gods had. He simply wanted to pass on this blessing to those which were less fortunate. Such as this male right in front of him. "I will make you a God. Make you more than you can ever dream of being." To Ouija his intentions were true enough. Who wouldn't want to be a God?

Really now, Ouija wasn't attacking at all but merely defending himself. Ezra had been the one to draw first blood. Ouija was only doing what it took to get himself free. So when he hand was released he pulled it back. He was about to straighten himself when the other lunged at him. Teeth bit into a place very close to something that he used often. That was something that could not be tolerated. A growl of his own rumbled forth as he reached out to grasp the other with clawed fingers. One hand made to seize a shoulder while the other went for the neck. "You will release your hold." The words were spoken through a low growl as he attempted to tighten whatever grip he had managed to get just to emphasize just how serious he was. There were just some things which he just could not tolerate. Damage so close to his junk was one of those.

And to think that he had started out in an aimless fashion. He hadn't been looking for a fight but he wasn't so dull of mind that he would just accept damage to his body without inflicting some in return. This wasn't the way that he liked to go about passing on his gift but it would work. This male was going to end up becoming that which he hated. He was going to be just like those that he didn't care about. With every pulse of Ouija's own veins Ezra was being forced to consume more and more of his blood. It wasn't the most convenient of ways but he was going to do just as he has originally planned to do. He was making this other male a God, whether he liked it or not. There was no longer a choice in the matter since the other had bit him. Since the other was replacing the blood that he would lose with Ouija's blood. If he hadn't been so quick to attack then he could have prevented this from happening. "How does it taste? Just like freedom, doesn't it?" He whispered out the words before bending his head down to try to bite and lick at the male's neck.


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