anything to break the silence


It was surprisingly easy for Ehno to let his anger take control and consume him. It was something that had been sitting buried within him for weeks now, just begging for the right opportunity to be released. It had been provoked that day the Cour des Miracles knight had payed him a visit and it pushed Ehno to lash out at him unsuccessfully. The misplaced hatred and anger had been left lying in wait after that for the perfect moment to strike out again. Ehno did not want to fight against it. He embraced it, reveling in just how good it made him feel. Yes, this was exactly what he wanted right now.

He hardly took notice of how the man was quick set the bottle aside, too focused on his target to care. But he did hear his taunt clear as day and it made him all the more determined to get him. As his teeth closed on a bit of the man's skin, Ehno felt a flash of short-lived triumph. And there it was, the briefest taste of blood as the stranger pulled himself away to further encourage his frenzied anger. The elation would not last long, however, as not a moment later the dark-furred man took a successful swing at Ehno's jaw. The Marino was sent reeling, clutching automatically at where he was struck.

The Dreamer shook off the surprise quickly, growling as he looked up to see his opponent strike out at him again with no hesitation. The swiftness of the attack left Ehno with little ability to dodge, lest he loose his balance completely and bring himself to the ground. Ehno may not have been much of a fighter, but even he knew that that would leave him wide open. So the man's fang's struck their target and the Marino managed to keep his balance. He hissed in pain and anger. Ehno wasn't willing to let him keep his hold on his scarred shoulder for long. His free hand lashed out to claw at his opponent's face, the other awkwardly aiming for his chest to further prompt distance between them.


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