[M] Stubborn

Unce? No really; what's an 'unce'? o.0

After so long, the natural sounds of the act stirred Noss so well that he was happy that this was the favor Strel had asked of him. They were enticing, and soon hands joined the symphony. Noss would never admit it, but kissing was one of the most pleasurable things he liked to do. However, he had rarely ever partaken in it because he thought it a very private and selective act, beyond even the selectivity of bed partners. Strel's gaze grew cunning, and Noss momentarily closed his eyes as he felt Strel's hands over his chest. But that was wrong; Noss was supposed to be doing him the favor. Get it together, Noss... To keep his mouth busy, Noss nibbled again on the redhead's ear, curious if it would make him laugh again. It was all a big puzzle for Noss, and he enjoyed it.

Even though he had felt Strel's hands travelling past his waist, he had been unprepared for the feeling that it pulled from him. He let go of Strel's ear then for fear of biting it too hard, instead biting his own lip in mild surprise as his nerves shot to overdrive at that reminding touch. He looked down at Strel again with a disbeliving look, although it was not one of disapproval; more like one of 'are you sure that this is my favor to you...?' The redhead was not shy in the least, and so it was apparant that he was no virgin. All the easier, Noss shrugged as he, regrettably, loosened Strel's hand from that oh-so-sensitive area and licked a trail down to Strel's own. A mischeivious idea popped into that head of his, if not only to understand what Strel wanted by force. Because Noss also liked to dangle the proverbial carrot. "When we get there," he repeated as he breathed over the spot where a male's most sensitive nerves gathered. Nuzzling it, he inhaled that heady scent again, giving it one long lick. He could appreciate a lively bed partner, and Strel was proving all that much a challenge to please.

He waited a few seconds, dragging it out, before he continued the regime. All he did was lick, waiting for a cue from the redhead. Noss loved to be in control, but part of that control was hearing his partner ask for it, signaling that they were at Noss's mercy. On the other side of the coin, a good battle for dominance was never a waste, either. Just that one touch and the continued assault of Strel's scent gave Noss the incentive to crave what was to come, wherever the night would lead them. Beyond Strel's sight, over the side of the bed, he felt himself get more and more excited. Oh yes, despite his abstinence for the moment, he had no doubt that he would have no control later when the heat became too much to bear.

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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