M - oh, we're so controversial
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Sure! Could this be set in Occaus Premontorium? (310)

He had caught a glimpse of movement during his patrols. As always, he hung back for a few moments, observing the situation before acting upon his instincts. He had always known that he had good instincts, but lately, he had seemed more easily enraged. While this meant more adrenaline for his fights, it also meant he had to be smart. If he was this agitated – more than normal, at least – than he hoped to control it enough to observe the situation before leaping into battle. He had to be smart about it. It was a small miracle that he had noticed something was wrong to begin with, too; normally he never would have paid attention to such things.

Hybrid stalked after the visitor, keeping a safe enough distance so that he hoped they would not hear him. He froze when he stepped on a twig, panting in the fading light. It was late afternoon and the sun was just beginning to set. However, there was still quite a bit of light as this was the sunniest part of the territory. He shook his head and trotted closer, intending to reveal himself and demand the intruder do the same. He approached slowly, though not necessarily cautiously. He suspected he had already revealed himself to the wolf and made no attempt to hide his steps now. He emerged from behind a rock in his ever-customary Secui form.

“This is Inferni. Get out,” he spat. He wanted so very much to dispose of this intruder and be done with it. He did not snarl, but he made it known that he was not happy to see the wolf. His hackles were raised, his tail was pointed, and his flews were pulled back just enough to show his teeth. He moved closer, stalking forward with confidence. This wolf had no right to be here.


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