What a great day

OOC: :/ how could I not have seen this one? /sigh I’m sorry yet AGAIN!!! Never again will I leave youwaiting… and sorry for the crap post too >.<

Shaw was extremely happy that Sky enjoyed the house that he’d fixed up. He followed her out of the house as requested and sat beside her, her words were powerful and he started his flute, a quick and happy pace, she’d be able to catch him up after a while he hoped to hear her voice and see what song she would come up with this time. His toes tapped to the floorboards of the deck, and he was getting into the music all that was missing now was the singer. His flute played long and loud through the whole of the village and as it seemed so empty he could hear the echos of his flute all around him, it was new to him, he’d played in open fields, or in the thick of a wooded area, but not a clearing where brush and trees surrounded them, it gave his flute a whole new meaning and he thought he could use that to his advantage, though his playing didn’t falter nor change as he’d already picked the tune he wanted.

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