Just look at me - I'm limited
Lowering his head as the female shifted down to her four legged body, the silver male wasn’t sure what to think walking into some one’s home and finding them in nothing but a human like furry birthday suit, the male gulped as he stepped back away trying his upmost hardest not to look at the female in front of him. ”Oh?!” He gulped if she didn’t live in this wonderful home then some wolf or other being might had to, and the next one he ran into might not be as nice, or even nice looking at the one that was standing in front of him now. The male gulped as he felt his rear bump into a tall pillar with a yip he jumped forward faced back looking at the shifted female. Closing his eyes he lowered his head. Hearing the cracking sound knowing what it was the male waited counting in his head finally lifting his head seeing the four legged fea sitting there near him, shaking his head as he looked at her with a meek smile. What was it with these ladies walking around and taking clothing off in front of males without a second thought?
”Oh..uhhhuhhmm No. Valley.” The male shook his head, no he couldn’t make it out on his own he would surely die if he was forced to live and hunt for his self, he wasn’t graceful nor did he like the idea of killing and blood, the sheer thought of spilling blood made the silver beast shudder in disgust. Jumping up the male put a paw down in front of her, brushing over the top of her paw the male gulped pulling his paw away quickly as he had brushed over her paw. With a dry chuckle the male felt flushed.”Bit. He didn’t run around with his man hood shaking all around and he belived that female should keep them-self equally covered up.


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