smile that way
Poor Shi hates nature now XD. 300+

The young damsel kept on watching the female, and closed her own perfect blue eyes for a moment to lose herself into the music. She wasn't sure exactly how it was being produced, only that she knew no one had ever played an instrument like that before that she'd heard of. Shi was never around the right kind of wolves who played instruments at all, so to her they were magical, mysterious things. As she opened her eyes, the music seemed to stop wafting into the air at the same time, and another pair of lapis-colored eyes stared back at her.

"Hello there, lovey." Shiloh heard the female say, with a voice that was as lyrical as the music she had produced not moments ago. The white female gazed on, the music still lingering within her well-shaped, cream-colored ears. The looks of this female were without a doubt coyote-like, but Shiloh wondered if, for a moment, she was part of Inferni. "Oh, hello, miss." Shiloh returned the greeting, remembering almost instantly that she was staring. The white damsel was lost in thought, though, wondering how the small pipe in the gray coyote's hand made such lovely sounds. She averted her eyes and shook her head. 'No, impossible, no one that nice could come from Inferni,' she told herself.

The next question from the strange female caught Shiloh off guard. The white and cream female didn't realize she was displaying such emotions of sadness, but it was too late to try and lie about it. "It's my hair piece," she said quickly, opening her hand which contained the torn petals of a lily flower. "I was walking by, minding my own business, when a darn tree limb caught it!" She pouted, blaming the forest for her little mistake. Cerulean eyes gazed on the blue flower that was in the other female's hair, which was a surprising shade of blue, but it was shriveling up into nothing. "Why are you wearing a dying flower?" Shiloh inquired, pushing back locks of cream-colored hair.


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