but are you here to stay? LEADER NEEDED

The woman's response made her heart skip a few beats, she was so worried that Asphyxia would not care and had forgotten about her again. Could that be possible? Nope, and he question was answered. She was not again forgotten about, thankful for that she listened to her mother's words and smiled. The girl squinted as a wet tongue found her face and she smiled returning the lick to her mother's cheek. It was so good to see her back, safe and alive once again. With Asphyxia back, Toxic would be living with her from then on she guessed. The girl frowned slightly because she had grown quite fond of her younger sibling, but the frown was soon replaced with a smile yet again.

"Oh, mom. They are so big now, you haven't even seen them yet," she spoke quietly, tail pausing in mid-wag. Returning her nuzzle she breathed in the thick scent of everywhere she had been and let her breath escape after holding onto it for too long. Faolin was afraid Asphyxia would disappear with the scent. Reopening her crimson eyes they turned back to her mother's own and she nodded quickly. "I would LOVE it if you came back, Toxic really needs you. I think he feels kind of ... abandoned." Not really what she wanted to say to her mother, but it had to be said. The boy was so sad thinking his entire family ditched him completely.

"I am one of the leader's here and I'm sure Gabriel wouldn't mind you staying, god knows how many times Kaena has come back," she laughed and shook her head. But, she wanted reassurance and let out a long coyote-like yip to her mate, waiting for his figure to show or a response.


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